
Dr. Mallika Kapur
04 Sep 2024

The need for ABDM

Healthcare in most countries is either insurance-led (the USA) or state-led (the UK). The best way to describe Healthcare in India is patient-led. This results from a “khichdi” of healthcare options being available to patients, depending on their

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Dr. Mallika Kapur
01 Jan 2024

Digital Healthcare: The Emergence of a New Paradigm

We are reeling FROM the impact of the unprecedented COVID – 19 pandemic, which continues TO shake the world...

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Dr. Mallika Kapur
14 Jun 2023

NextGen: A Founder’s Perspective

NextGen’s HospiLogix IS a scalable, web based HIS, which gives digital wings TO hospitals looking TO bring operational efficiency. Easily implementable AND very robust...

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Dr. Mallika Kapur
05 Sep 2023

Reducing Hospital Acquired Infections: A Focus on Patient Safety from a technologist’s perspective

Think of a hospital. The smell of disinfectants fills the air, nurses IN gloves rush FROM patient TO patient, AND doctors are seen AND handwash ...

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